Wednesday, March 24, 2010

10 Stuffed Animal Dolls from Crane Machine XD

So last weekend (I believed it was Sunday night/early Monday morning) I went to Denny's after a long session of gaming and couple dvd movies with my gf and close friends. We were pretty hungry and also sleepy (it was like 2 AM after all).
So we decided to stop by at Denny's Lynnwood since its open 24/7
Its not the food that I'm going to blog here, but its about the crane machine *you know, the doll crane*. I'm pretty sure it was my first time played it in US (and I had been here for like 7+ years now haha)

So, while waiting for the food, I saw a crane machine full of stuffed dolls, usually I don't care at all, but at that time I had a urge feeling to play it - It most likely because a day before I played Yakuza 2 on PS2 and collecting stuffed animals :D (for the mini games haha). So anyway, I'm just heading to the crane machine, see is there any stuffed dolls that I like to get. Then I was just like.. oh well, I should give it a try to a random doll, just one try, don't care that I got it or not.
So I went back to my car to get 4 quarters (it was $1 machine), then I tried my luck on my one and only try (or that's what I though at first).

Viola! I picked up a blue teddy bear :D. Yeah sure it's not the best stuffed bear, but hey! I picked up on my first try! woohoo!

Anyway,before I went back to my booth and have my meal, I looked at the crane machine again, I saw a red lobster that looked at me. It was like "please pick me" kinda feeling :D
After I'm done with my food, I went to the toilet, and checked my wallet. There were 1 $5 bills left... hm... so I decided to just use it on the crane machine, just to think that after I get the lobster, I'm done with the game.

2 first try was a failure, and third try was a charm!, I picked the lobster with another doll that I don't remembered what . At that point it makes me addicted to pick more and more XD, plus somehow I found a glitch in the machine (like I'm allowed to play more than 5 times, even though I lost my count how many extra tries I've got, cause I don't really care).

And with that $5, I picked another 9 stuffed dolls! muahahaha, one of my tries actually picked up 3 dolls, I was like (damn, am I good or I'm freaking lucky!) :D

So here are all of the dolls that I collected :D and probably it will become my new hobby :P (probably..)

PS: Woohoo! my first post after more than 1/2 years!. And from now on, I probably blog more about other stuffs other than Animes, cause I barely have time to watch it right now (even tho I got tons of it). Things that I probably going to blog is about my self, foods, music, or maybe Manga :D

See you on the next post :)

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